First crack at planter pots for semi hydro.
Making my own resin planter pots
My plant doesn’t have leaf
Are moss poles mandatory for monsteras?
What is this?
Run to IKEA for Ur Ultra rare albo monster
Loaded on Delivery Vehicle but not out for delivery?
Not the root rot 🙁
Alocasia Tigrina Superba Variegated 😍🪴♥️
Would everyone agree that this mini Monstera propagation is ready to be put out of its misery?
I hate this
Erm will this ever become green? Variegated alocasia dragon scale
Grow lights
Super Rare🔥- Hoya Sauroniana🦄
PLEASE READ - TheGreenEscape
id? just curious :)
Monstera Thai Constellation in pon
CoStar forcing employees to use PTO or come back in office today
What do I do with this space in bathroom closet?
National Guard has been activated
Made this a while ago, by far the nicest cake I baked but as a non-confident home baker I would appreciate feedback
I Hate Living With My Boyfriend
Rooting corm
Restaurants should be closed today, no question