Nicu staff negligent?
Trach and g-tube surgery
Not looking good
Another extubation attempt
Looking like we might have to trach
Baby not tolerating ng tube breathing difficulties
Failed extubation trial
Are the doctors missing something?
Feeling they’re giving up on us
When is okay to drop pumps?
vaccine schedule?
Give me suggestions
Trying not to give up with our little guy
Feeling hopeless
Non invasive Nava
Feeling defeated
Power pumping everyday?
What are some of the most annoying things you were asked/told by people while in the NICU?
Your experience with Enfamil human milk fortifier?
How much have you increased?
Went 11 hours without pumping
Is it too late to boost my milk supply?
Desperate and need encouragement
Baby born at 24 weeks 3 days