Floppy eyelids =sleep apnea
New dent in nose
Hate seeing breastfeeding
Letting baby cry herself to sleep for hour going to make her emotionally damaged?
I caused my childs autism
I'm having a hard time bonding with my 5 month old 😢
My neighbour yelled at my baby
Why Reach Out After All This Time?
People don’t get it
My baby’s neck skin
One more of the endless "where to live" questions
I can’t get anyone to help me figure out what I’m allergic to
Help! Thoughts on sending baby to daycare- 8 months old
6 Most Effective Steps to Take If you have a Dust Mite Allergy
My 12 year old son has a weird shower habit that he refuses to explain
Worse during pregnancy
i am TIRED
If you had a baby that cried a lot and also whined all day, what are they like now?
TW: the worst birth experience i could have imagined
My family is upset with me for breaking my window to get my baby out of my car.
2 under 3