wtf are these companies gonna do when we all just can’t afford anything anymore???
ULPT: Minority in your building pissing you off? Call ICE and report them. Know someone who is making bank off illegals that you dont like? Same deal.
ULPT Request: how do I break up a annoying couple without them knowing I did it
My girlfriend(F23) has started to get angry with me (M22) because I am not putting enough effort into the relationship?
similar products to glowscreen?
I can't walk without needing to pee badly!
People who claim to be brutally honest
How do people decide they'll never want kids
12 year old wanting a sleepover with her girlfriend
Losing your butt
I need to lose around 20 pounds before August (starting in late January)
Do friends look down on you for being chronically single?
Am I Overreacting?
AITA for not wanting women in the men's restroom?
I keep forgetting to bring my haircare & skincare products back to my room after showering, need help creating some kind of reminder?
Breastfeeding and milk production
Is it normal for a woman’s sex drive to go from 0-100 and back again all the time?
High hcg at 4 weeks 1 day
5A Demi?
Sudden increase in ingrown hairs
Need advice on my relationship :(
Parents pleading to use my food stamp card
How to do make up that makes uneven eyelids look even?
What to pack in hospital bag?
Is every apartment in Columbia roach infested?????