Thermostat not working. Limit circuit lockout.
When will we be able to use bitcoin to buy stuff in everyday life? Like at the grocery store, restaurants and other places.
What celebrated movie actually has a terrible message?
My wife 29F want us to cut my 30M family off
My wife 29F wants to cut of my 30M family
My wife wants to cut off my family
Anyone think the orbs have any religious meaning?
Car making vibrations during acceleration from a stop
What is marriage?
What does my fridge say about me?
What movie made you cry so hard that you would never watch again? I wanna be gutwrenched, cry a tub, pluck my eyebrows out and shave my head off.
What did I see this morning?
What’s the best way to get into private bartending?
People who are prestige 3.. how?
Would you date with a 10 year age gap?
I am a 32 year old man living in Tennessee as an atheist, AMA
If you hear a knock (#2)... Continuation...
Americans who have lived abroad, biggest reverse culture shock upon returning to the US?
Anyone ever worked at an un-pooled bar?
What to do if I haven't filed taxes the past 2 years.
If You Could Only Eat One Food for the Rest of Your Life, What Would It Be? 🍜
Credit repair stories.
I just brought my daughter home
Has Anyone Else Experienced "Phantom Grief"? (A Sudden, Unshakable Feeling That Someone Has Vanished)
What does "archived" mean under voter status on