Least valuable firecracker
What would you call this manoeuvre?
looking for a challenging song to play to improve based on my skill
Mods that affect the start/loadout?
What happened clash
Thoughts on Judgement day? What signs have already happened?
Thoughts on energy drinks before exams/mocks?
This costed me the game
Migrants who hate Jews shouldn’t be allowed in Britain
Back after 3 years and MK is still boring
I love my event deck
Favorite Guerlain?
The art of David Ambarzumjan
To commit "light treason" without being caught by Elon Musk
Best *band* starting with letter B?
Jobless, isolated, fed misogynistic porn… where is the love for Britain’s lost boys?
700$ to spend on Bluetooth Headphone's, what's the best I can do?
Attempting to learn Hysteria (muse) on bass 😭
I cried in the store. ANC is like a dream. Love my QC Ultra.
What should I get?
Is it worth spending 500£ on Bluetooth headphones?
What is a WEBTOON that u would rate 10/10?
Please if your girlfriend is on birth control, give her some love.
What is your clash royale hot take?
Lets end the debate, Are Evolutions a good addition to Clash Royale?