the newest thing coming to the Nintendo switch 2 is _____
If your girlfriend had an unexpected pregnancy, would you consider abortion?
The Poppy Playtime Green Lantern Chart is Complete!
Put these two monsters in a room, who’s coming out alive?
Which poppy playtime character has been done the dirtiest
When I was 8, my family moved out of state. When I was 10 I found them.
I stuffed as much food as I could into my mouth with my skeletal hands, thinking only of this bliss granted to us after the year-long famine.
Let's go one further: choose 3. I'll choose 2 to combine into a superpower and the 3rd will be your weakness
How do you deal with bullies without fighting?
My classmate received a letter written in blood which read ‘You are next! :)’ and was obviously sent for DNA inspection almost immediately.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” I said to the killer
This sub is way too ____
who had the saddest death (BTW idk if someone had made this)
I'm I the only one to realize doey doesn't bleed
As a kid I always thought “Words can hurt” was ridiculous
Thoughts on Mark telling Rick about Sinclair?
Get your ____ out of that horse’s ass!
My _____s are orange.
I read the note on my doorstep, and my mind immediately filled with fear and anger.
Stone cold red ball 4
Decided to checkout this game again, turns out they're working on something new! (2 months ago)
Being a statue of a child meant that I couldn't play with the other children no matter how much I wanted to.
I bought my mango juice with my little straw, ecksited to drink it.
He tried to support his wife after the loss of their son, but she always said the same thing: