What movies pre-2000 should never be remade?
What do you think was the biggest flop that was hyped as 'The Next Big Thing' ?
DJ, dog walker and homeopath among roles on UK skilled worker visa list
I heard this sub loves nice screenshots. (PC, MAX, RT ON)
Looking at an RTX 3060 12GB (maybe?)
What outdated piece of technology do you still use purely out of spite?
What's a movie that you don't like, but still respect?
Bullet list test
My wife just burned me
Is there a "posh" Scottish accent?
Which sequels are needed?
Petty beyond reason
Does Edinburgh have any pool bars or old-style pool halls?
[Off-Site] Futurama did the math
He's no a flat earther is he?
Anyone else had a car smashed?
Indiana Jones was an homage to James Bond, so they cast Sean Connery as his father. What are other instances of homage casting?
Who is/was the most influential person in the history of world?
TIL the UK's nuclear submarines all carry identitcally worded "Letters of Last Resort" which are handwritten by the current Prime Minister and destroyed when the Prime Minister leaves office
Safe to work?
Don't put your bins out tonight
How we did it in 1993
ELI5: how in the world does USB hubs work?
Policy idea: mandate that smoothies and juices list the full sugar content on the label, not just "per serving"
ELI5: How do phones cool down their components without using a fan?