Do you feel some of the newer expansion packs should've been game packs?
If you're celebrating YOUR 25th anniversary of playing The Sims franchise. Tell us why TS3 is your favorite
Do you guys wish that The Sims 3 had one one more expansion pack before they moved on with TS4?
Psoriasis after scabies...
The most valuable ingot I could get through transmutation
Why did Paradox not add Atharism to the game? (A school of thought with in sunni islam that rejected innovation and was very orthodox)
How do I overcome post scabies paranoia
Can someone please explain what alawites is
Is it haram to create your own muslim faith in Crusader Kings 3?
Would you rather have: disease carrying flea or scabies
Found A LOT of addons from 9-11 Gmod era on my old hard drive. Should I archive them?
Is scabies sign of poopy immune system?
why do some blisters have white mucus in them
Why are most ex-muslims females?
does mida rana give you milf vibes because i get very uncomfortable if i see her
University sims get progressively worser or fatter each generation
Sorry but... WHERE are you warming your hands??!?
Look at the sweepy baby
Needle/ivy poison like feeling makes me wanna shoot up a clinic
Can sulfur kill the Scabies?
You can hear ambience stuff depending on what you have on your holding
My sim had a midlife crisis and one of the things he wished for was divorcing his old elderly wife so I locked her outside
What Personality Traits do you wish that The Sims 3 had?
What's your favorite aspects of every The Sims 3 Expansion Packs?