How would society change if public transportation were free?
What’s the one thing that has surprised you the most about 2024 so far?
What’s one piece of outdated technology you still use and love?
What’s one place from your past that always feels like “home” to you?
What’s the one thing you’d buy first if you won the lottery tomorrow?
What’s the most unexpected compliment you’ve ever received?
What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had that you still remember?
What’s one habit that has completely changed your life for the better?
What makes Marvel or DC stand out as a better franchise to you?
What do you value more in friendships: quality or quantity? Why?
What are the unspoken rules about food combinations that people always argue about?
What makes a pizza topping acceptable or unacceptable?
If you could eat one food without ever worrying about calories, what would it be?
Which animal would make the worst roommate, and why?
Imagine if everyone had superpowers but only one power—what would yours be?
What if smartphones could only be used for one thing—what feature would you keep?
If you could time travel to one moment in history, but only watch—not interact—where would you go?
Imagine if you could switch lives with any fictional character for a day—who would it be?
Which movie villain has the best ‘evil’ monologue?
What’s the most overrated movie in Hollywood history?
Which movie character would you love to have as your best friend?
If Hollywood could only make sequels from now on, which movie deserves a second chance?
If you had to watch only one genre forever, what would it be?
Which superhero would win an Oscar?
Which classic movie would work better if set in the future with AI?