Sergeant Lanius, 1st Squad, 2nd Company. Fall in guardsman.
Brother Sergeant Lanius, 1st Squad, 2nd Company.
How to deal with GSC aberrants?
Grimdark Raptor veteran sergeant.
Custom Black Templar Assault Centurians
They may be Raptors, but they’re Deathwatch Vets in spirit.
Introducing, primaris kill team Sicundus
Have no Deathwatch Vets, so we make our own.
Some shots from some of my marines.
I revealed Severin's name too soon
Calgar going green.
Do I like your state?
Powers of a drow crown. Suggestions?
[request] what would be the answer?
Rate my list: Ultra Iron
J-Tech mouse forward and back buttons not mapped properly.
How do the players upgrade ship stats?
What’s that one video game enemy You really hate the most?
Weekly Question Thread - Rules & Comp Qs
Gimme ur top 5 anime and I we’ll see if ur allowed in or not
80 points left. Any recommendations?
I got agent 47
Which video game moment stayed with you even years after completing the game?
Day 6 of trying to get a comment from every US county!