If Money Weren’t An Issue, Where Would You Live In Seattle?
Racist in Seattle yelling random people to go back to their country around space needle
Is there a shop in town that sells electric scooters? Google isn't being helpful
I love Seattle
Mortgage Rate Advice
Support for our Mexican Community.
Single occupant Teslas in the I-90 HOV lanes
On this nice sunny day, ICE is going to residential doors in South Seattle.
Thoughts about this dog park? Puppy is finally fully vaxed
Seattle Parks upping off leash dog enforcement!
Looking for LGBT-friendly Adult Driver's Ed (no car)
Is there truly no serious opposition to Harrell yet?
Hey Bagel at U Village this Morning
places to find black community?
Moving in the spring from Canada! Would you recommend Ballard?
Looking for a good buffet
Be the Change
Photos/Videos of ICE Today
Why someone earning over $100,000 could qualify for Seattle’s affordable housing
Thoughts on Seattle Itinerary?
Sharing info about ICE
Seattle loves transplants, except when it doesn’t.
Regardless of political affiliation, never forget this core principle.
You should be embarrassed to drive a Tesla
Some pics from today's MLK Day March
How many deportations?