Stun Gun removal was good, but Heavy's Grapple needs the same treatment
How do people enjoy sword?
Now that the stun gun is removed
I need tips on how to counter the Lockbolt
hot take of this patch
Thoughts on taking stun gun away
Embark please fix the throwing knife’s
I swear people who throw hate at lights for the stunt gun just have skill issue
Don't Let Embark See This (They will nerf heavy and buff light again)
Hey! The lighting test room!
Sledgehammer skin idea
Haha riot shield go bonk
So i tried getting back into The Finals...
Evasive dash users:
Solo heavy gameplay experience is poor, especially in casual mode.
First time using this strat 😭
TDM meta is interesting
What crimes can Gordon be tried for - fairly - in court?
The auto health regeneration as heavy is unbearable
How to aim better with shotguns?
THE FINALS.. but only Half-Life sfx
Honest views on the TDM mode...
What's up with the triple mediums again?
Stop-Sign Sledgehammer Skin When?
Dagger nerf? Was a cinematic weapon that required more skill than just aiming for someones head