Which Sonic Colours game is better? DS or Switch?
Favorite character(s) who have not a lot of screen time but you still love?
Favorite character from a fanmade project?
Favorite character that only WEARS red, but IS NOT actually red?
What Favorite Characters would Wield the Darksaber? (Please Read Description)
It was another very close call, but in the end, Generations has the best Shadow. Now last but not least, who's the best Dr. Eggman?
Who is this hedgehog? Wrong answers only
What are your Sonic hot takes?
Favorite Villain Characters who would likely be unstoppable if they were real?
Favorite character that has encountered terrifying creatures
Favorite character from REAL LIFE
It was very close, but in the end, it was decided that the best Amy was IDW. Now, who's the best version of the Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow?
Favorite character whose name starts with S?
Favorite character that fits the Blue Lantern of Hope
Which Favorite Characters would Wield a Purple Lightsaber? (Please Read Description)
How would you react if William Afton being the final speaker in FNaF 4 was confirmed?
Which one do you prefer?
Favorite Character? (no tags, just your all time fav)
Favorite character that fits the Violet Lantern of Love
What is everyones favourite sonic game ill go first
Which Favorite Characters would Wield a Green Lightsaber? (Please Read Description)
Favorite protagonist who looks like a villain/antagonist who looks like a hero?
What’s something you DIDN’T like about Shadow Generations?
(Day 8) Who is the best representation of Death in Poppy Playtime?
Favorite Characters in a canon relationship? (or just your favorite canon ship)?