Sexual frustration is making me bitter in my marriage
Moving from CT to TX
Favorite 'more obscure' quote from the show?
She’s all MINE!!
Please help, any advice appreciated
“Give your sister a kiss and say sorry!”
My best girl Boone
What phrase?
Manny the Moody Mastiff Memory! Share your old puppy photos from when they were little please?
What name do you absolutely hate, and why?
What TV show do you turn on for background noise that brings you comfort?
What are some similar shows to Rick and Morty?
Do you hate this episode and if so why?
Boy Howdy is it HOT here!
What “long song” (6+ minutes) is worth every minute?
Fila at 2 months vs 5 months
Recs where the fmc doesn’t know what the mmc does/has done until it’s too late?
For me, this is funniest moment in Rick and Morty. What's yours?
Rec with spicy Love triangle ?
Would you date a guy who doesn't do oral sex (neither giving, nor receiving)?
Still job hunting in SA
Ingwer (3 month Brazilian) loves to sit on her big sister Pepper (11 month French/Neo)
Anyone else’s Pup sleep weirdly?