Liberal feminists like her are the reason why all the hard work of feminism is in danger
I regret looking at chat requests
Sewing on top of pockets
Crust Vest (Completed)
Can I achieve this white effect at home?
New dress
Should I start over
Waist belt score
Patch removal?
Repurposed work hat
I'm wanting to start a a battle jacket, is flannel okay?
What kind of song suits my drawing?
“Men are providers”
Satanic jacket
Having a wine night/girls night🥂💌
Female empowerment is often for the male gaze
why is their go-to always rape?
Got some better pics of my jacket in black light
Satanic jackets are horror right?
Discreet/secret patches and pins
First jacket. Not sure what to put on the back. Ideas?
My recent tattoo practice
Don't mind me, just here to ruin your day before it even begins
my chicken is reading mockingjay