Hades II Nocturnal Arms Guide: Zorephet, The Moonstone Axe
Anyone else pleasantly surprised by the 4th weapon?
Never faced promethesus before and I get this
The Wolf Howl hex is ridiculously OP
Some Vow of Fangs combinations should be implemented differently
What do you think are the most OP boons in Hades 2?
Need advice: Hades I is my GOAT but I can't connect with II
Axe Special is useless after the update?
Managed to clear Max Fear on at least one Aspect per weapon
Is it possible to get a 5 god pool in 50 Fear?
I’m not bitter, not at all
Having a hard time with axe and skulls
Hades 2 felt even more anti-melee after the Olympic update
Guess I'll die
Broke through Max Fear Surface with the help of Circe
Weapon popularity contest
Strength vs Eternity math and why you should always take Strength
As of the last patch which boons should be buffed or nerfed?
Anyone else severely dislike the path of stars?
Moonstone Axe - Omega Attack suggestion
32 Fear on the Surface is hard y'all
50 Fear Surface Discussion
Sometimes, the game just hates you.
Yesterday I prevailed 32 heat, today I prevailed 50 heat
Can I get some help with the axe?