Only to You! Access to My Shadow Booklet...Available for One Day Only!
Are you really a good person? Let’s talk about the shadow :)
I made these workbooks for myself... but turns out they're helping a lot of people (DM me for free copies!)
The Cost of Stagnation: The Life You Never Lived (a snippet of my booklet)
What it’s like to have a narcissistic partner—and why it’s so hard to recognize
The free shadow booklet is now ready and available - grab a copy!
How Emotionally stable are you? Take this quick test and find out!
I’m a developmental psychologist...Ask me anything about mental health, trauma, or personal growth
I Made these workbooks for myself… Turns out They’re helping a lot of people! let’s talk about them
Venting is bad for’s why..
What it’s like to have a narcissistic partner...and why it’s soo hard to spot
Let’s talk about the shadow: the things we avoid have sneaky hands...and hold the key to growth (the booklet is ready)
When "Being Nice" becomes a prison...the Hidden cost of people-pleasing
Understanding the Big Five..What your personality traits say about you (and a workbook)
Why Being a People Pleaser Actually Pushes People Away
People-pleasing...when niceness becomes self-sabotage and might be stealing your identity
Why talking about your problems might actually hold you back
Low self-love: another angle on people-pleasing and boundaries based on Big-5 personality model