Has it happened to you yet?
Why does such a high percentage of people in pickup trucks drive like complete assholes? Does it vary by region?
Long time lurker, first time sharer
Made a fake dating profile
I can’t stop judging other people
How’s my handwriting?
Trying to sell my Quest 2... any tips?
DAE go out of the way to let other cars pass them just to avoid the pressure of having someone behind you?
This is out of my comfort zone, do these dresses look bad on me?
What's a modern trend you think people will regret in 10 years?
Adults over 40 on VR???
Cardio, Hard/Expert
What have you realized you like less and less the older you get?
Beat Saber 2?
Do you guys keep your phone for 5-6years?
Today I learned a valuable lesson in using the stationary boundary when you don't have something like 10x10 space to work with.
Well, I got it.
What's something normal to us in 2025, that by 2075 will be seen as barbaric? "Wow, people really used to do that 50 years ago"?
Do you use Adobe Illustrator as a tool? I’ve always found it a challenge!
Supernatural or FitXR for fitness?
Just stop!
I have a problem
My butt-cheeks have shrunk
Is this scroll arrow thing in comments new? iOS
If someone started their gaming journey now, which game would u recommend them?