I took this screenshot and wanted to share it <3
Female anti hero storytelling
Is my period irregular i really have to know
Opinions on the Nightingale armor???
Has Skyrim inspired you towards anything in real life?
Supporting Small Creators!
Y'all can just stand there for the rest of the game for all I care bcuz I'm not touching that broken-ass shite
Skyrim Storytelling
Which potential wife has the most personality?
There is something about this night sky , I feel relaxed just looking by looking at it . Hope there will be something like this in TeS 6
Have I played to much skyrim?
A dilema for the ages, are you a 1st person or 3rd person player?
What’s stressing YOU out right now ?
What in the foersworn fuck am I looking at
What Artifact would you Pick and Why ?
Skyrim is beautiful man, I just love to explore as a break from those stressful quests
"Why are you running?"
Which character is most likely to become Hig King/Queen of Skyrim?
If you were to live in Skyrim, what kind of honest job would you be doing to have the easiest and/or happiest life?
Using enemies to kill enemies
Who else would you choose to survive in the Dark Brotherhood quest line?
Jon Snow play through
I abandoned this game years ago but rediscovered it.
If you could camp in Skyrim, which would be your favorite spot?