Er jeg i det gale?
Best champions for beginners to use in jungle?
Does pornhub remove videos that are not porn?
Which champ has the most intresting ult mechanic to you?
Teammates stealing jungle camps has to stop!
How rare?
At what age did you have your first relationship?
What Champion is best with Grasp?
How lucky is this?
Quickplay is actually kinda riduclous
help cant climb with the dog champion any good climb advice i am bronze elo
to all the people who think being gay is a choice, when did you choose to be straight?
What's stopping us from just going double top or roaming support?
I just had 4 losses in a row...
Is there any youtuber like AloisNL but for jungle?
S14 primed to be early S12 Heca/Udyr meta again but with Brand/Karthus?
What's your on repeat song?
Unusual junglers for this and next season?
Everyone speaks English on here , what is your first language?
Former porn addicts, how did you get out of it?
which language do you think sounds really sexy?
I'm done playing this
What song is currently stuck in your head?
For junglers who actually climbed partly because of them, which youtuber/video helped you the most in getting better?