Everybody! Everybody! We take a look back at Homestar Runner!
Challenge: Take a figure from history and make their name a tragedeigh
How can you tell if a woman is into you?
PSA: maybe don't start smashing the self checkout screens like you're tryna do CPR on it?
"Have a heart!"
$2.50 for one donut, yet 3 donuts is $9? Excuse me?
Grocery store encounter
My friend's family is batshit insane.
I did not consent to you canceling my policy! (that I haven't paid for in months)
Three-year-old knows what time it is
I think Senor Cardgage named some of the stops on my church's organ
Is Alecksis a tragedeigh?
When you're legally required to say something that the customer doesn't like
I was told you would appreciate my work in progress
Not Technically a Tragedeigh, But...
This woman from Tinder
Someone complained on a FB post that they could never find their kids’ names on those Target books
Wait, what? Why? What's the difference?
Confused in the Dollar Tree
Messy coworker who never cleaned up their mess
Enjoy your mail jerk