From tacky to effortless stylish
Seeking advice for building my home recording studio
Can’t go to my Master graduation. But want a picture. Stole my brothers Highschool grad hat but it’s blue and needs to be black. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance!!
First pics how you expect her to be. Last pic, what she’s actually like 99% of the time.
Good girl on the train every time we go to work
Pre-liver transplant diet to gain weight with stents
Celebrated my 12th Heart Day!!
Is leaving this note on my neighbor’s door too harsh or not harsh enough??
Was war das beschissenste Geschenk, dass ihr je bekommen habt (Weihnachten, Ostern, Geburtstag)?
He was doing so well….
What can I expect from a liver transplant?
Should a mixer be separate?