Damm Steven what a G
Better vendor items possible?
When a Streamer is clear about what Ashes is working on and what their intention is to improve the MMORPG genre.
Completed nally to round out 700 clog slots! Absolutely massive upgrade for the account
How do I order my grilled onions to be cooked more?
Could I buy a box of peanuts?
Someone at Jagex is bad at math
Sexy Red thought she was off camera on kais stream, camera catches her doing bumps
What does an eclipse atlal setup look like?
Simply getting emotional on his last day in the OTK house
TIL: Putting useless items into Death's coffer to save him taking coins from my bank when i die. (Most probably know this but hoping it can help others)
Ironman Group Prestige Lost
I swear these guys are supposed to drop rune scimitars..
Scorching now or wait for emberlight?
Blood moon heal mechanic feels really bad
When's the last time you asked another player to make you something?
Candy Cane Milkshake
Just reached the Armadyl armour 250 cap. The 250 pets and 250 hilts are still on the way. But who's counting anyways?
Jmods, was the red token hunt supposed to take this long?
If someone handed you a pack of 4-6 (well made but clearly marked) proxies, what would you hope was inside?
Mod Ash on Dungeoneering
My main issue with private servers is you know Jagex will cheap out on the infrastructure
What next?
Peak Ironman mode
Rare RSNs RoT Lost in Banwave