Kevin is an awful father
This aged like a Dairy Queen milkshake
“Lunch is in 1 hour” like why can’t you make him lunch now if he’s hungry? She was truly an evil bitch. SMH
Where can Europeans watch Devil in the Family?
This feels targeted towards this sub
Wooden spoons keep breaking during spanking
What happened to the middle two Franke daughters?
I think Kevin is still deep in it to some degree
Fishing in Sulani
Sim dies, but then doesn't!
It's not a good look for Kevin
Alex Q&A With Girlfriend (Emelyn)
Any suggestions for bdsm wlw books?
How do people know what happened to the other kids?
AITA for refusing to let my fiancé play dad to his nephew because he’s biologically his son (he was the sperm donor)?
Some interesting bits from Shari's interview with The Guardian
She was in complete denial
Bonnie is earning commission on Shari’s book! She posted a link to the book under her vlog about the book- as an Amazon affiliate link!
My gf didn’t use her safe word and I feel horrible
[Solved] Pick up Lost Souls Not Spawning on Lot
these people can’t be serious..
Mini games don’t show up for me
CP - Crystal’s 39th Birthday