my hamster keeps escaping i think he may be bored
Not sure if hamster is in heat
Please help me create a better home for my hamsters!
made one of those straitjacket rooms bc i've been wishing i had one irl
Would anyone like to join my Webkinz 🍃discord??
I finally found my first Webkinz in a thrift store after searching for a year!!! Fingers crossed the code works.
What’s your controversial Fiona song opinion?
Meet Poppy and her cage - looking for tips
Barely seeing my hamster
Tips for evacuating w/ hamsters?
How did you get screwed over genetically?
vss and benadryl?
Hamster bottle leaking
New hamster question
Put the boyfriend on Fiona Apple today…
Heirlooms not working?
Did I overreact? I'm so over clients thinking they can talk to a sw any type of way.
Who is yours?
Why is there no feminine equivalent of the word "emasculation"?
How and why do people who make advancements into curing cancer always die?
When do dead people stop receiving junk mail?
Smoked a cigar in my car once. Smell still lingers a bit after a day. Need to buy odor eliminator or smell will eventually go away?
How do I purchase fashion?
Playlist that sorts all of fioana’s discography by BPM.