The Jig is up: immersion-shattering error EXPOSED
What artist has the largest gap between their best and worst album? Here’s my pick:
Katy Perry
Ah what a refreshing perspective on settler colonialism, from none other than The Atlantic
I seen this anti- American revolution what are your thoughts?
Some of y'all are way too sensitive.
What do they listen to
"Broken clock" songs?
Sinfest 3/3/25: Black Pill 2
What artists, in your opinion, have not a single mid or worse album?
Shots from Brothers (2015 Eggers short film)
My favorite Devo album…
Artists Whose Biggest Song Doesn't Sound Like The Rest Of Their Discography
Sinfest 3/2/25: Black Pill
Sinfest 2/27/25: Deploy the Prons 6
what would you rate if your wondering if i want you to i want you to out of 10?
i cant stop listening to maladroit
What is some of the more darker known things about The Beach Boys?
Sinfest 2/22/25: Deploy The Prons 2
Why the hate for Kokomo?
Just a question: How are Shantes pantes called.
Songs you will not listen to unless it's the live version
Thoughts on The Downward Spiral?
What's a movie you love but can't deny is incredibly stupid?
Surfin' U.S.A. is an average song that we love. What's a great song that is loved by us fans?