Kinda crazy that The Temp was always the "hot one," but only ever dated 1 person during the entire show.
Professional photos of the Underoath show in Atlanta a few nights ago. Enjoy!
Professional photos of Steel Panther's show in Atlanta a couple of nights ago. Enjoy!!
What quality does Simon bring to the group that is unique to him?
Dad got me tickets to what he thought was a band I liked but it’s not.
4:5 format carousel
Professional photos of the Ryan Castro x Blessd concert in Atlanta last night. Enjoy!
ITAP of a Japanese demon [NSFW portrait]
To be manly and carry a girl.
Professional photos of Gerald's concert in Atlanta a couple of nights ago. Enjoy!
Professional Photos from the King Diamond show in Atlanta a couple of nights ago. Enjoy!
Professional photos of The Hives concert in Atlanta last night. Enjoy!!
Professional photos from Day 1 of the bittersweet South Star Festival. Enjoy!
Professional photos of CREED's show in Atlanta last night. Enjoy!
My dog killed my cat after 7-years of living together.
WIBTA if I (26M) broke up with my dying boyfriend (27M)?
Hi guys, do I look like anyone?
I asked ChatGPT to roast Coheed, and this is what happened. Enjoy!
Help with an Office themed name!
I’m gonna crash out
Professional photos of PR's show in Atlanta a couple of nights ago. Enjoy!
Show me your Chi’s all wrapped in their blankets
I met julian today
Some professional pictures from the Childish Gambino show in Atlanta a couple of nights ago. Enjoy!