What is the most religious country in Europe?
[DISCUSS] You have $9000 USD to spend on a watch - what are you getting?!
Trump afviser ikke at bruge militær magt for at sikre sig kontrollen over Grønland
Quick advice: Early may vs early june
eSIM for iPhone 15 Pro or burner phone
Worst ramen I ate in Budapest.
Hvornår forbyder vi det fyrværkeri?
Which Tokyo Neighborhood did you choose to stay in, and why?
Suggestions for short stay between Osaka and Hiroshima
Trump har ikke opgivet Grønland.
Trump går efter Grønland.......igen.
I’m off to Japan next month any subtle last minute tips
[Discussion] What brand completely changed their image & leveled up the most the past decade?
Hva fanden sker der Banedanmark... har nu haft et tog stående i Larmende Tomgang i bunden af haven i 5 Timer!
Klumme:Taxabranchen sætter et klistermærke på et åbent sår [kommentar til nyt tryghedsskabende initiativ]
[Question] Is this too big for me?
Best places you’ve been to in Japan ?
The Simpsons is good again
Extra express tickets, when?
Should I skip Osaka?
Tokyo-Ginza, Shinjuku or Shibuya?
If you could choose only one neighborhood in Tokyo...
Er der andre steder som har samme karakter som Kartoffelrækkerne og Strandvejskvarteret (som ikke koster 15+ mil)?