[SEARCHING] Semi Rushed TH17
[Searching] TH12 | #YRYRV8G9 | Royaloates | Any | Competitive
[SEARCHING] Almost maxed TH12
[SEARCHING] Th15 and Th14. Looking for clan games, clan capital, war
[Searching] TH14 Looking for a FWA Clan
[Searching] th13 | #QU22VCC2C | Bran | th10+ | Social/Mix
[Searching] TH17 | HIGH 3 star rate | social/talkative/competitive | #GOPYOU09
[Searching] th 12 3300 tropies lvl 130
How do u see who deserves war bonus in cwl in clash ninja?
[searching] th12 | #2J02Q9GC0 | Looking for a chilled relaxed clan that does wars
F2P player since 2014
Whats the best league to grind resources for walls at th17
[recruiting] #2G09J9UV2 | Th11+ | very active and talkative | 1600+ raid medals | level 6 clan (new clan) | wars constantly |reply to this if the clan is full | clan name - Leonardo clan
[SEARCHING] Th 13 max + BB 7 max
[Searching] Max TH14 #9J9VRVYV
[Searching] 50% maxxed TH13 3200+ Trophies
[Searching] TH11 1300+ Trophies
[recruiting] #2G09J9UV2 | Th10+ | very active and talkative | 1600+ raid medals | level 5 clan (new clan) | wars constantly |reply to this if the clan is full | clan name - Leonardo clan
[Searching] TH13 looking for a clan for CWL | #GL0C9GQ8G
[Searching] th13 looking for clan
[Searching] TH11
[searching] Th11 almost Th12
[SEARCHING] TH13 | Semi-Active Clan | Good at Donations | Wars and CWL
[Searching] th13-14 searching for clan