Do you consider videos eLearning?
Well yeah, there's that...
Damn ...I got old.
online markdown to mind map tool
Stop buying guitar parts on Amazon ..
Showing a little ankle
This guitar outjerks Gibson on innovation and Ibanez on model name at the same time
Genetically modified toxic semen
Looking for a new bridge pickup in my Les Paul!
Hey guys just bought my first guitar, wanted to start with something basic
finished my first guitar yesterday
Can someone help me identify the pickups in the guitars from my favorite band?
Had an Ana flame me for accidentally flying into her nano as Mercy. Please switch on this setting
Will this put the Skibidi in my Rizz?
Where are the numbers?!
timothee chalamet as Hendrix n new biopic
Can Plastic Waste Be Transformed Into Food for Humans?
her life is in your hands luke, R2 wanted me to repeat that…
I knew this whole guitar addiction would pay off big someday 👍
How would you try and sell your boss on using gamification for training?
My surgeon said he will pull my entire large intestine out of my butthole, and use only dissolvable stitches
Building my own guitar?
A 75 foot tall statue of Lenin in Volgograd, Russia.
of a Lenin monument - 23 meters/160 bananas
Rudy Giuliani leaving court after being found in contempt.