Map of how every county voted in last 3 elections
What's wrong with my dating profile?
Trump to kill EV tax credit
One leftist Woman Not Happy Trump and Biden Met...
Election day
So, what's this forum all about?
What motivates your choice?
Probably the most Christian voter guide I’ve ever seen
What is your opinion of the Daily Wire?
Why does Reddit seem so left-leaning?
When did the cultural divide between left and right, or liberal and conservative, begin?
I don’t care
Dogs are my dating red flag
This looks like an appropriate place for this post. What do you think?
Ooof. Shots fired.
Which Christian-based conservative talk shows or podcasts do you recommend?
Wait for it
The gender gap in US politics
Citing Romans 1, this pastor called Democrats godless and demonic.
How do I distinguish devout Christians on dating apps?
I quit
Ben would call this BAD Trump
Joining this sub was the worst decision i’ve ever made
Weird show titles started this summer
The August Matchmaking Forms are live!