Do you think its right that there are involuntary psychiatric holds for people who are only a danger to themselves?
Why can't people who have been released from a felony or a mental health hospitalization own guns? If they're still dangerous, why aren't they still locked up?
Is there anyway to compare airgun power to a firearm, when it comes to volume of air used at what pressure, and the speed of its release?
Is there any online test to "Determine" how severe my OCD is?
Assume you have warning of a zombie virus before it reaches the US via major cities 24 hours in advance. What do you do regarding your own current situation BASED ON popular games or movies?
New map idea, "New Orleans"
Are you with Dream, or Tommyinnit?
How does a bullet kill vs an arrow?
Arrow vs bullet wound.
New zombie type idea, "Decrepit Shamblers"
After like 3 months,lets ask the community the same question (What you hate the MOST in G&B that you prefer devs to change it?)
Air rifle gameplay IRL
Navy pistol irl
What zombies do you shoot at with your guns?
Restrictions in gun rights discussion.
I already think banning certain citizens from owning a firearm in the US is really stretching the Second Amendment, but I just found out in a lot of states you can't own a muzzleloader. Why???
How many foot-pounds of energy did a Philadelphia derringer have when loaded with a normal charge?
Im not an expert in airguns at all. Why do both airguns and muzzleloaders often have very large bores?
Here me out guys...
When someone gets shot in the chest and collapse shortly afterwards, what is the most common reason they fall down?
When someone is shot, is it possible for them to collapse without any damage to the nervous system or them just fainting from the trauma?
How would you create a video game health system, that's complex enough to be semi realistic, but simple enough for developers to put in a game?
Effects from being shot: Humans vs Pigs
PCP recoil physics