Creepy but funny ngl
Figuring out HSP things
But why?
God forbid im bad at cuddling :3
God forbid girls are needy
What is a kink you wish you didn’t have?
On a date, do u think the bill should be split 50/50?
Ouch that must hurt
Like What? 😂
Friendly reminder to all the girlies 💓
God forbid a girl buy herself nice things
18F What’s ur impression of me
Penetrating the cervix to get pregnant now?
Inside a human blood droplet
Would you be friends w) me based off my vibe?
____ The type of guy
Well that’s gotta hurt
Would y'all date a girl if she was hairy?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Erm sirrrr?
I didn’t know feminism meant being better than men now
My personality drastically changed
Hints that ghosts give away?