Anyone else super worried about The Tomb comparison to Liberty Falls?
What is the hardest EE or challenge you completed across all titles?
Treyarch if your seeing this please please make Blanchard playable we desperately need him playable
Terminus Main Quest
The latest teaser image for The Tomb has some interesting lore implications
Message to Zombies Team on Special Enemies
[BO6] What’s the fastest way to get all guns nebula?
(Black ops 6) Which gobble gums should I take with me for Citadelle des morts boss fight?
Can Someone Explain How My Junkrat Has 1 Healing?
Which game would it be for you?
Will you ever be able to get this skin.
Can we please have increased rate of fire on the Ray Gun when it's Pack-A-Punched?(Buff fun) :)
Where would you like a future zombies map to be set?
Introducing ‘Grenade-ade’ a new perk idea for BO6 zombies.
Has the Cigma been patched for terminus boss fight?
What I think the next wonder weapon will be
Anyone else sick of this?
Citadel Des Morts wall glitch
Best loadout?
Good pull for round 25?
I didn't know Green Keys yielded Ray Guns.....
Is it just me or is cittadele de morts too overwhelming to play ?
How to solo water valve on liberty falls?
Juggernaut rug handmade
Is ssktjl done?