I need new bass pedals. Should i get 2 single pedals? Or a double pedal?
Im new to tune bot and i feel this doesnt work…
Am I doing proper ankle techinque motion?
Converting real drums to eletric
How to not tense up
I’m loving it rn
Double bass recommendation
Tips for ankle technique
How’s my technique?
Should i cut or keep bulking?
Should I buy drum bags from temu?
Should I practice every single day?
12x10 tom
Should I by this cymbal pack or a different one
Did I get scammed ?
Govee with Alexa
Just got my first acoustic kit! What are the best places to shop for it?
What can I learn to get better
Can I plug headphones into an amp while also hearing the audio out loud
How do I stop my tv lights from going bright and dark
Alesis Strata Core
Is this a solid set for a beginner?
Any other upgrades or add ons I can buy for the Alesis nitro max?
What do you guys think
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