Gross als Frau, ich halte es nicht mehr aus
Does anyone’s seizures include an intense heat feeling? And do you get any episodes of diarrhoea and stomach pain?
Do people still love Werner?
Has anyone here gotten off meds entirely?
What antidepressants can you tolerate for anxiety ocd depression etc?
Have people who had EEGs been actually talked through the results?
An offering
Psychologie Umfrage
Injuries from Epilepsy
Ronnie forgot where he came from
How do you feel about Alternative für Deutschland?
How I see author’s notes
Opinions on psychedelics (shrooms, acid, etc)?
College possibly being ableist?
Why does nobody do first aid?
How does cannabis affect your condition if at all? Any interactions you’ve noticed with medication?
Link between vaccines and seizures?
Ooooh, I'm so curious!
what if we copied books that would be banned into ao3 or just books
Is/was anyone on both epilepsy medication and birth control? If so, what are your experiences?
Was macht man mit ca. 15000 Tellern?
Just had my first Priest concert! Totally wicked!!
Epiliptic vs non Epiliptic seizures