A man chooses, an utter pillock obeys
Where do you put your arms while sleeping?
What do people mean when they say "Canada doesn't have free speech"
Tree root crossing sidewalk into lawn, is it sucking nutrients? If so, will cutting it with a saw be enough?
Tree root crossing sidewalk into lawn. Is it sucking nutrients? Should I cut it?
How do you track movement on controller
Controller binds
Sensitivity Assistance
I finally hit positive KD with good impact. (Despite Stupid Questions) Also does IQ see ringing phones from Dokka even if defenders are not on it?
If you had 24 hours to spend a billion dollars, how would you do it?
(15m) How can I stop being disappointed in myself and deal with stress better?
Are Americans really as divided politically and based on values as the media would suggest?
Game lines that are so iconic that can be easily recognized by gamers?
What's the saddest game you've ever played? (No Spoilers please)
Is enjoying SpongeBob as a teen childish?
You can combine any two video games into one completely functional game.
How would you rank the 3 main MGS collections?
What is your hottest take that you will defend until the end?
I'm looking for some stealth games with realistic AI.
Im looking for a game that will make me cry
SMG 12 and its Recoil
DSR PS4/PS5 want to spawn Quelana but can’t level pyromancy because I did a couple oopsies
How to get better with mute/Smoke.
Looking for story game that is MASTERPIECE