Do you think good-looking people find it easier to get jobs or have an easier life compared to those who are not as physically attractive?
I M20 and my partner F20, am i insane?
My boyfriend has a key chain picture with another woman on his keys (M20's F20's)
Em dashes should be used more often—they just look better and more correct.
Why don't men seem to have dating icks the way women do?
when people don't know what a slightly misspelled word is supposed to be
condom broke but i didnt not cum
Why doesn't the USA have a universal best by code system?
How do I convince myself I’m not stupid?
wanting to start writing a Nonfiction book
CMV: Voting should be mandatory in USA and I will explain my view
CMV: Objective Reality is Unknowable, and All Knowledge is Ultimately a Form of Pragmatic Fiction
The grass is greener where you leave it the hell alone.
What is an absolute 10/10 album?
Men are in no-win situations
Facebook dating profile
Let's say that your username is the cause or your death, what will happen to you?
What's black and white and red all over?
I [25F] have been in a relationship with my partner [28M] for 1 year, but I still feel torn between him and my ex. How can I navigate this feeling?
My(18M) girlfriend(19F) of 1 year wants a seemingly random STI test after we had unprotected sex. Why would she now want a test after all this time?
What are the worst type of people?
What's something you think you're in the top 10% in the world at?
I (36F) got called out for pressuring him (39F)- Is it time to cut my losses here or let things play out?
Trying to quickly play, or speed running your way through video games is lame.
Selfishness does not exist/shouldn’t be negative