Huge discrepancy between verbal and visual-spatial
Cornell Law Interview Shitshow
GW Priority hold?
Possibility of an essay never-read
30% increase in 170 scorers.
What’s the benefit of reading The Economist for the LSAT?
Cornell WL (Reserve)
Suicide by helium inhalation
I Like LSAT Demon's Approach, But Their Explanations REALLY Need Work
TRIP REPORT: Took the LSAT today with no studying and 1.5 g magic mushrooms
Yale R
Is Fordham at half price worth it?
stop flirting on lsdlaw please there has to be better things to do
Yale R - 250 Essay
Think Before You Apply
i’m about to clock-in and start reading some of these applications myself 💀😭
Taoism and Nihilism
Am I too old?
is this actually a historically competitive cycle?
so crazy to penalize retakes/reapplying
The protagonist is a pretty terrible guy
To the women applying this cycle (or in a recent past cycle):
30 seems like the end