The junk prices i would buy
[Ps5] H: aegis W: big gun bobblehead, ts 9,
[Ps5] H: 2x aegis, 3x bruiser, 3x conductor, 3x limit-breaking, 1x pounder, 3x ranger, 2x tanky W: reflective
[Ps5] H: pic W: 4999c per gp
[Ps5] H: mods W: canned coffee
W: caps h: junk
[Ps5] H: 1x conductor, 1x aegis, 2x limit-breaking W: 5x arm keeper
[Ps5] H: 5x scanner, 4x pin-pointer, 1x aegis, 1x conductor, 1x reflective W: calibrated capacitor plan and accelerated nozzle plan (12:2)
[Ps5] H: 1x aegis W: 3x 2* luck
[Ps5] H: 2x limit-breaking, aegis W: 4x arm keeper (3:4)
[Ps5] H: 5x aegis W: 15x arms keeper
[Ps5] H: mods W: arm keeper, aegis, rejuvenator, reflective
[Ps5] H: 2x aegis, 2x limit-breaking W: 4:1 calibrated capacitor plan for gp
[Ps5] H: 1x aegis,1x limit-breaking W: 4x 2* luck
H: Arms keeper, and Vats Op W: pounders
H:mods W:thru hikers, rejuvenators, 2** luck and end open to offers
[PS5] H: Rejuvenator W: Reflective
[Ps5] H: 1x pounder, 1x conductor, 2x limit-breaking W: 5x arm keeper (4:5)
H: Leaders W:Pounders
W: people to do raids with H: caps
[Ps5] H: (friendsoffer) 3 thru hiker W: 3 arm keeper
[Ps5] H: 5x aegis, 1x pounder W: calibrated capacitor and stinging core receptacle both plan (6:2)
[Ps5] H: 1x conductor and 1x pin pointer W: 3x arms keeper
[Ps5] H: 1x combo-breaker, 1x limit-breaking, 1x miasma, 2x pin-pointer, 1x scanner, 1x tanky W: rejuvenators
H: Pics W: Limit Breaking or GP Plans