Which characters have the best DP value in your opinion?
Der Parabelritter und funk
The vicious cycle
Would Mr Satan have been a tough opponent in the first DB classic tournament?
Which Munchkin expansion should I get?
Kann jemand diese Aufgaben lösen?
Cosplay at halloween event
Jürgen ich schwör dir wenn du noch einma deine Karre vor meiner Einfart parkst dann klatscht et! (Aber kein Beifall)😂
Thoughts about Munchkin Bosses expansion?
Who is the better cdm?
My teams getting pretty good finally.. carter and vd are loans.. What you guys think?
FF Upamecano or Tots Lacroix next to my Kimpembe?
I am currently learning German and would like for some good German movies to watch. They don't necessarily have to have easy to understand dialouge or anything else
Bleibt „Metbier“ in einem Kanister über den Tag schmackhaft?
New to Munchkin: Shouldn't these read +1 Hand?
Fresh start
Is Munchkin Tails worth it?
The Tattoo
Custom Card: Fortune Teller class. Let me know what you guys think!
Is the back of the cards of „Munchkin legends“ identically with the original Munchkin game?
My neighbors Batman-Dog