Best way to reach $30,000?
Before and after
Trying to figure out what to do with this plot leading to the squidport. Ideas?
Syrian go pro camera
One month of playing
Russian soldier missing an RPG shot at a Ukrainian BTR-4 column moving through Gir'i, Kursk oblast.
Sadly selling skins
Official ADD ME thread -- August 2024
Official ADD ME thread -- July 2024
Is it worth buying as many burning bushes as you guys have? Or was there a better deal?
Took this on my iPhone 12
Alright gents. What’s the worst unit in the corps right now?
Beginner looking for tips and help
Americans ask, europeans answer🇺🇲🇪🇺
“I’m so proud of you, you’ve got a stack going” dad there’s no fuckin way
I did this, except I was an E5 when I did.
Ubisoft will now report you to the Police for "toxic gaming"
[Store] Spearmint 0.09/0.11 - Pandora 0.18 - Vice 0.18 - Amphibious 0.10/0.16/0.18 - Omega 0.16 - Nocts 0.16 - King Snake 0.18 - Clean Black Tie MW - Crimson Weave 0.16 - Emerald Web 0.20 & more
Houthi technical firing a vulcan cannon in Yemen
Auto loan