It would be cool if you could play as ground vehicles/ships
Heard you guys liked payload
Landing and taking off from aircraft carriers
How do I get better at this game? Almost every sortie seems to end the same. BBBBRRRRRRR!! STALL! RIGHT ENGINE FAILURE LEFT ENGINE FAILURE! Kaboom!
ACLS Example
How to dodge radar missiles more effectively?
New player question
Noob questions
Breaking down an air-to-air engagement and analyzing my mistakes
Launching nukes from across the map
steam sale
MRJ-57 Freebird !flash warning!
Some cool, hard going screenshots I took
Does the dynamo have a cabin?
Me right after taking off with the Tarantula.
PSA: Please adhere to Safety Protocoll when transporting Naval Supplies in Tarantulas
When will the next update release?
Which hotas to buy
Sneak peek at upcoming nuclear parachute drops
My game keeps stuttering so bad I can’t play after this update.
Posting on behalf of Enigma: An interview with B25Mitch, about how 2024 went and how 2025 is gonna go
Is it possible to toggle free look?
Some images of content coming in the next update, 0.30. All WIP.
I request HEAVILY that notching be buffed
Summary from Enigma's interview with Mitch (reupload cause the old one broke)