Terp pearls
Highroad favorites
What are the top hash producers right now (where you would actually consider paying 55-60/g direct for a half or oz)
Rosin left in room temp
Debating on getting one.
Some prototype pivot tips my shopmate and I made. What feedback do y’all have?
All set for the holiday thanks to the homies at Snow Tree Farms.
Is the pivot worth it?
True thermometer tests of Puffco devices?
Puff Co Pivot
Peak Pro vs Pivot - potency
Pivot review
Flying with weed? Am I safe
Love the piviot
This thing really disappointed me
Pot & Heads Granimals, Baller, NYS legal dispensary
Source for pearls?
Got ‘em all working again. Also got a new pearl and terp chute from slip9glass.
Should I be able to fly with this no worries ?
Worst zinc experience
Thankful for this state
Pivot battery question
Looking at a 1998 lexus gs400. Advice?
Fingers crossed - never had their rosin or a cartridge for that matter