What's the most annoying misconception about bipolar disorder?
The Virgin Suicides vs. Lolita
Random charges a year after cancelling?
So what does cannabis do to someone who’s bipolar
I feel awful about how I feel about my wife
Have you ever told your workplace you’re bipolar? How did it go?
Using Ritalin as back up?
Do you think a manic episode lowered your intelligence?
tell me about the moment you knew/suspected you had bipolar
My mom is rabid about my birth control choices
Help Me Ve More Accepting
Every day it gets harder not to have a parasocial relationship with this woman.
Been having complications with my bipolar disorder so I drew this self portrait
I know Natalie doesn't owe anyone anything, but man I'm hurting for the de-radicalization movement that was so big in the late 2010's.
What is the most disturbing thing you've heard said casually?
Are you ever mad at your parents for passing their illness onto you/neglecting u
I hate that bipolar disorder isn’t seen as a disability.
Boston College Republicans’ Statement to the BC Community
I know tempers are hot during this time, but isn’t this a little too far?
How often do you think of your disorder?
Artist my sister chose for her first “big” tattoo
Straight A’s for the first time
Unique Date Night Restaurants in Manchester
These flyers in my mailbox...
You have one chance.