Making a working website for documenting my next playthrough
A website covering/documenting the events of 1 empire pt.1
Website covering even more Galactic Events!
A website covering THE GALACTIC IMPERIUMS DAWN! (the last website post got a lot of requests for me to make more so here u go :D)
Hoi4 looking ass Portrait
Trump's new presidential portrait
Ah shit here we go again
No, You can't handle Hakuba's deep powder
Just realized I have been running on almost max autonomy the entire game :( I was trying to sell land as much as possible (dumb move I guess, but I needed the cash. Time to rein things in IG)
What could be causing my game to be this slow (Ik this is good by some standards but its somehow worse then my much worse old pc, months used to go by in an instant) [intel I9 14th gen, rtx 4070]
My helmet saved my life today
How Often Do You Call Your Family/Parents
Games too hard
i never want to see a moose again
Which card should I lvl 15 first?
Alabama’s only ski resort opened for the first time in 5 years this weekend.
Arthur improvement!
Shut the front door to gondor.
No great pleasure at all
Turkish Europe With Modern Borders
who would win?
How can you not love such creative lecturer's
Check out my democratic Romania run
How do I check my mic? (Am I supposed to be hearing myself in this screen after I speak?)