Is saponification another name for using lye?
Slippery Elm + Other Holistic Support
Resisting Magic for Physical Symptoms
My lips have been in agony for 7 months
Sensation of something being stuck in my chest
Cured, what worked, what didn't
Shortness of Breath
Feeling Alone
A Little Help During the Day
Cracking/ Popping
Fiancé has OCD, anger issues that have continually gotten worse
New here. Can GERD cause tightness in chest?
Anyone else get sharp stabbing pain here that keeps coming and going ?
Lower body exercises that you find are tolerable?
Need Advice
What does your pain feel like?
Backpod Question
For anyone whose main symptom is SoB
I’m so confused
Pinch like feeling, anyone else? Please help
Is there any food that makes the skin and hair healthy ??
Flare up reassurance
Nervous to Take A Flight
Anxiety, fear, cancer, heart attacks and costochondritis.
Thank you to you all