Shutterstock merging with GettyImage, what to expect?
Found this on the internet, new information on the King John crown jewels, S4 E16
Back Tonight with another Expedition Files Episode
Caption this picture....
Michigan voter here, doing my part.
Am I the only one that performs worse in online classes?
BOMBSHELL: New Petra Discovery was STAGED!
Are online college classes hard at a cc?
Press release on josh's new show
just ran across this
When did the Petra episodes get filmed?
The Perta find is making national headlines
Jessica's back in Jan!
Posted on Joshes instagram page short time ago
Does anyone else learn better by typing notes?
Carrer Advice
Expedition X
Is Verizon faking their coverage?
Verizon customer service is terrible.
Help on matter
American Revolution episode
New Intro is... Meh?
How many cameras are used in the field?
Price guarantee seems to be a hoax!