Failure to calculate dependencies - dev-libs/icu and app-emulation/libvirt causing issues

When I attempted to do an emerge -ac after a full emerge -avquDN --with-bdeps=y @world, the following error came up:

Calculating dependencies... done!
 * Dependencies could not be completely resolved due to
 * the following required packages not being installed:
 *   dev-libs/icu:0/71.1=[abi_x86_64(-)] pulled in by:
 *     dev-db/sqlite-3.39.4
 *   >=app-emulation/libvirt-1.2.8:0/8.2.0= pulled in by:
 *     app-emulation/libvirt-glib-4.0.0

When I looked up the packages in question, they were both installed except at later versions: icu-72.1 and libvirt-8.7.0-r1. I'm sure there's something I'm just not thinking of, it's been awhile since I've updated.